Information Technology

You can’t be what you can’t see. That's why we have Future Leaders in IT.

Since 2000, the number of women in IT/ICT (also referred to as Information and Communications Technology), has been on a steady decline – down to 21% in September 2012, from 23.7% in June 2011 and from 25.3% in March 2000 (Statistics Canada, Labour Force Surveys). The well-documented “leaky pipe” begins in elementary school and continues into the workforce. Studies* have shown that by grade 9, girls had already made up their minds not to enter this field.

This isn't only a Canadian problem. It is global, and in the recent study &ampquot;Women in Technology Survey 2014&ampquot; conducted by Mortimer Spinks and Computer Weekly in the UK, it was found that although the number of women working in technology teams was 12% &amp#8211; down from 15% in 2013, one of the big points confirmed was that &ampquot;working in technology was like a brilliant secret that no one knew about.&ampquot; Our purpose is to disclose these brilliant secrets.

The women showcased in the interactive, multi-media PDF e-magazine, Future Leaders in IT are representative of many wonderful women leaders in IT/ICT. They are intentionally chosen from many different fields. Their words and their personalties are on the page. In their videos, they speak to the girls. These women champion girls in IT.

Read through their mini mentorship pages and view their videos. There are common themes found. Information Technology (IT) is in every industry and in every area of a company; the women are all passionate about IT; these women interact with people all the time; women in IT are very creative; women are problem solvers; women think differently than men; women are needed in executive positions; women can raise a family and work in IT; students need to take advanced math; girls can enter any area they are passion about, by having a career in IT; and...

Information Technology

Information Technology
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